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Love knows no reason, no boundaries, no distance. It has a sole intention of bringing people together
to a time called forever…

Love and Marriage

I believe the most significant words any celebrant today can utter during a marriage ceremony are the words in the legal monitum which say “marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people…”

What are you looking forward to the most about your ceremony?

Sharing your unique love story.

Honouring some of the 'special'

people present.

Saying your own personal  vows.

Let's have some fun and create the 

most fabulous introduction to the best wedding celebration ever for 

you and yours !!

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Birth ... naming ceremonies

you might not want god parents, but you can certainly have guide parents to celebrate and welcome a new life into your world

What a beautiful opportunity for parents to acknowledge their child’s arrival, and for you to make your promise – with family and friends of the love, care and guidance that you and they will bestow upon your child as they make their way through life.

Naming ceremonies aren’t

just for babies either.

Sometimes the celebration can be for adoption, or the linking of siblings from combined families, or even gender transition.

Life... reflection, funerals, memorials

Regardless of a person’s time on this earth, these ceremonies encourage us to come together, to share our grief, show our respect, and allow us the opportunity to acknowledge that someone we hold dear, will be absent from our future...

I can’t think of a greater privilege than preparing a ceremony to honour someone’s life.

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Love and... everything else

Renew Your Vows

Don’t limit your wedding celebrations to only your wedding day.

Sometimes there’s a defining moment in our lives and in our relationships, when we really feel the need to publicly say ‘thank you - gosh that was tough - I’m glad we got through that or - I love you even more today than the day we were married’.

Then why not do it all again?

This is your opportunity to say, or do, or include anything you like – you can still have all the feels without all the nerves or the legal hoo haa …


There can be any number of valid reasons why a couple cannot or do not wish to legally marry, be they social, cultural, financial or other.

Whatever the reason, you can still have the 'wedding style' ceremony you want.

The key exceptions being, no witnesses are required, no legal documents need to be lodged, no legal wording needs to be used during the ceremony and your guests just need to be told that they are not witnessing a legal marriage.

You may choose to keep it completely private and just have myself and yourselves present. Or choose as big a party as you can have - or something in between.

We’ll do whatever you decide is right for you.

Let's not forget...

Anyone who has experienced the loss of a cherished pet knows the overwhelming heartbreak and emptiness left behind. We value their unspoken devotion and companionship and the joy in everyday activities which they bring to our lives and those of our families or our community.

There is no reason why we shouldn’t offer our pets the recognition and appreciation they deserve as much as any human companion.

We can prepare whatever style of farewell you wish for your treasured pet. You can plant a tree, or share blessings, readings and music, in a loving and meaningful way for their journey over the Rainbow Bridge.

Hydrangeas in Bloom
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